Weather forecast for February 2

The weather conditions in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula are expected to be changeable cloudy, occasionally gloomy, and mainly rainless on February 2, e-huquq.az informs, citing the National Hydrometeorological Service of Azerbaijan.

The southwest wind will be replaced by the northwest wind during the daytime. The temperature will be +1–+4 C at night and +6–+9 C in the daytime. Atmospheric pressure will be 762 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 60–70%.

Dry weather is expected in the districts of Azerbaijan. There will be occasional fog. An east wind will blow.

The temperature will be -3–+2 C at night and +5–+10 C in the daytime.

In the highlands, it will be -10–-5 C at night and -5–0 C in the daytime.

